My Beach Buggy Days Part 4.


Meeting new beach buggy friends from other towns raved about Sandy Neck. I was now a seasoned Beach Buggier , so I thought!   It was time to Explore other beaches.  Sandy Neck, (S.N.) was about an hour away.
A note here for the boomers, there was no S.E.Expressway or divided Rte 6 Highway,  It was Rte 3-A to the Cape Cod Canal, then the now Rte 6-A to S.N.   A 40 mile trip in a vehicle now designed for off road travel, no picknick, not yet anyway!
I was pleased upon our arrival with the formality. Signs with rules & regulations,  a check-in station, and directional signs.  Sandy Neck seemed to have it’s act together.

It was a bit intimidating entering the trail through the dunes, they were 12 to 20 feet high !  Then up and down, the likes I had never seen.  The going was slow, mostly first gear,  that was a worry due to the small fuel tank, an extra five gallon can was wise.

As you can see, we were early beach goers, a late spring snow flurry didn’t stop us.

The old International only made a few trips to Sandy Neck, It was showing her age and needed to be retired, she had been in service on the beach for 5 years, the salt was eating away and  mechanical work was needed.

A 1956 Chevy Carryall was the much needed replacement.

The Chevy was a joy to drive on the highway and did well on the beaches. A stronger engine, a better geared transmission and a  tight rear enclosure.

Our friends that lived close to the beach only needed a day buggy, so the least expensive car in the lot became a candidate .

Willys Aero Sedan.

The sleeping quarters on top was called a “Dog House”

Sandy Neck is a ten mile stretch of peninsular and barrier beach terminating at the Barnstable Harbor mouth, At its South end  is a light house and small community.

The south end of Sandy Neck looking south at the mouth of Barnstable Harbor.

My wife was pretty good at swinging my 12’ Striper rod !


Jimmy got one, those were the days when 16″ was legal !

Mountains of sand dunes the length of Sandy Neck.

Leftover oyster shells from Native Americans of many many years ago.

Sandy Neck was a place of interest and wonderment at every stop.

An evening campfire was always a must.


W. Ray Freden, Seaview, Marshfield, 70 years,  nearly 20 on the beaches.