The Miniature Mill off Union St.

The following story is from the memories of Walter Crossley Of Damond’s Point. His writings were published in The Marshfield Mariner during the 70’s.

This story was published July 5, 1973.

The Ponds of Marshfield
“—– and last the largest on the stream, Dick Magoun’s pond. This had a saw mill cutting local pine into what was known in that era as box boards.
My introduction to the scene must have been about 1908-10. At that time a small summer place had been built on the upper end of the pond, I have no idea who owned this. My uncle, Henry Joyce, quite possibly furnished the labor to build it. At least once, sometimes twice during the summer, Uncle Henry and Aunt Viola would hold a picnic there.”

“Someone, probably Dick Magoun, had cleared a path completely around the shores, a couple of rustic bridges over two entering streams were fascinating places to me.  Standing on them one could see small fish going about their business. A frog or two always sat on lily pads motionless until some careless insect came too close and then the motions o fast as to be almost unseen, but the insect always vanished. We could find fresh water clams in some places.”

“Another point of interest was the old cemetery. A walled in basin with steps leading into the water served as a baptismal spot for the early church.  The vicinity of the cemetery was supposed to be a famous spot for snakes but I searched diligently they refused to be found.”

The real center of attraction, however, was the miniature mill and pond. This was built on a small spring fed brook, possibly the one where the Rod and Gun club is today. Accurate in every detail. The dam built of miniature logs. The spillway and the over shot water wheel provided the power to operate the old type up and down saw. The mill was shingled with tiny wooden shingles. Posts, beams and braces held in place with wooden pegs. The mill yard was full of logs, I sat by the hour, fascinated by the small pond and steady sound of the machinery in motion.”

I am fortunate to have compilation of his written memories.

UPDATE 1/4/22

Betty Magoun Bates, co-author of “Marshfield” . “A town of Villages, 1640-1990”  Her Grandfather was Isaac Winslow Magoun, The owner of the box mill that once operated on Magoun’s Pond, along with the mini sawmill and park he named “Dreamland”, off Union St., now known as  Eagle Nest, a development on Mill Pond Lane, once a cart path to the sawmills.   Isaac was also a Deacon of the First Baptist Church on School St. He was a superb finish carpenter and built many homes in Ocean Bluff and Brant Rock. This very fine gentleman was a mortician, as well as a dedicated naturalist. He married Eliza Harris in 1879.  They were the parents of Arthur V., Charles D., Elliot F. and Tracy H. Magoun.  Betty Bates is the youngest daughter of Elliot F. Magoun and is a lifelong resident of Marshfield.  The Magoun’s are direct descendants of John Magoun that settled in Marshfield’s  Two Mile section,  between 1660 & 1666. Alan E. Bates, Betty’s son continues to live in Two Mile on family property.
At the ripe old age of 90, Betty Magoun Bates and Cynthia Hagar Krusell, continue to work on preserving the History of Marshfield, and maintain the highly respected official position of ” Town Historians”.

Compliments of Betty Bates Magoun 1/2022

“Looking at the old pictures and wishing you could go back to that moment.”

W. Ray Freden,
Seaview Village/Marshfield
70 years.




One Reply to “The Miniature Mill off Union St.”

  1. What a treat! Thank you! I lived next door to Walter for ten years when I was first married, on the circle. We rented from the Buntings. What a dream come true to spend time and get to know all these wonderful folks. They spoke about the old days often and had some wonderful tales.
    Dibby (Cooney) Bartlett

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