87 years ago-2/9/34

Cold? Snowed in? You should have been here Feb. 9th. of 1934.
Humarock Beach not far from the opening.
No I wasn’t, but my Dad was, along with Webbie Clark.
Boston’s record cold, as far as I can locate, was -18º on the above date.

12 days later on Humarock Beach, just south of the opening.

Four years later at Humarock Beach.

Five unidentified hardy souls in a cave.

Looking from Clark’s Store toward the opening.
The Brown’s residence center right.
That iceberg is in the middle of Marshfield Av. !!!


Webster Clark and my Dad, Bill.

Copies of photos belonging to Janet Clark Heinzen

Winters like these have never been see again on Humarock beach.

“The mind is like an iceberg, it floats with one-seventh of it’s bulk above water”. – Sigmud Freud

W. Ray Freden,  Seaview/ Marshfield, 70 Years.


My First Christmas. Revised 12/21/24

I love my little Clowns story, we are so fortunate to get together once again.  Enjoy.

Ray wishes his friends  and followers a Merry Christmas and a joyous New Year.

As seen by The Little Clown.

My story begins with my first Christmas—– A few days before December 25th, 1934.

My friends and I were waiting patiently in our box on the table in the dining room.

A freshly cut pine tree was standing in the front window, it too, was waiting to be decorated soon.

It was very, very quiet—– not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse.
Then suddenly a man did appear,
dragging a chair, which he placed by the tree.
Up he climbed up and attached a beautiful spear.

Next he wrapped the tree with lights—- strings of garland and cotton snow,
a Santa hung high, the mushroom down low,
a little boy with a tall hat, a bear—— then me,
we all were hung on bouncy branches around the tree.

Tinsel was draped from branch to branch,
and with the slightest draft, every strand shimmered and danced .
All was quiet for the next day—-
but, we were excited to be out after a long stay.
Then into the house there rose such a clatter,
when what to my eyes should appear, but a miniature person crying and screaming as there was something the matter!
The man had returned with a beautiful lady carrying this noisy spoof.
This bundle of joy was born December 10th to Bill and Ruth.
Now the quiet was in shambles——- but no matter,
I will hang around in spite of the clatter.
For the next few days I watched the family hustle about doing Christmassy things,
Two large stockings and one small, were hung from hooks and rings.
Boughs of greens were placed around ——— the wonderful smells of Christmas were abound.
Santa came and went and left a present or two, It was rather skimpy around the tree—– you see,
because it was a Christmas during the Great Depression.
And William Raymond was Bill & Ruthy’s Christmas present.
On Christmas day, Nana and Gramps came bearing gifts .
It was all recorded on Baby’s First Christmas list.

Relatives, neighbors and friends were generous with a rattle or two.
I watched the gang dwindle to a few, and then knew— this day was nearly through.
I was soon to be put away for another year—– along with the others, including the spear.
This routine has been going on for many-a-year——— It has been 88 times that  I’m out and free—-and now, the 89 th,
to be hung on a pretty Christmas tree,
I really don’t know how many more times I’ll last,
you see I’m delicate—- I’m only made of delicate glass!
But I’m feeling sure—– I’ll see my family once more,
and that will be in another year, so I’ll see you then, along with Santa and his reindeer.


Well I made it  through all eighty nine   (now 90)  protected on a shelf far above the floor.
I’ll be out again to see 90 ,  this time , not on a pine tree green, but in a special, safe place for me to be seen.
I’ll only be out a week, lets say,  and being  in  the company of Carol and Ray.
Pluto will be very near, as he is my younger friend, best and dear!
I don’t mind being put away for such a long time, cause the next time I’m out, again,  I’ll be fine.
Merry Christmas to all hanging around, I hope you have a friend like Pluto, my best-est  friend, just an old glass hound!

Pluto is my younger friend,
we’ll hang together to the end.
Clowning around is fun.
Good by for now——- I’ve gotta run.
The Little Clown.

My caretakers takers;
Bill & Ruth Freden , about 30 years.
Ray & Carol Freden ,  62 years.

“Christmas isn’t a season It’s a feeling” – Edna Ferber

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The Days Before Christmas

W.Ray Freden
Seaview/ Marshfield, MA. 70 years.
”Down East” Maine 17 years.