Pine Island update


I have had to rely on my memory to pass on to you my youthful adventures on a little island near my home in Seaview. I had no photos at the time of the first writings, so I sketched what I remembered. Now, thanks to the Bonney family, formerly of Seaview, I have Pine Island post cards sent to the Bonneys from some of the folks that vacationed and hunted ducks on Pine Island.

c. early to mid 1930s. “The Good Old Days.”

The first Pine Island stories appeared in the Marshfield Mariner “Around Town” column by Kezia

“Mud fights and cookouts on Pine Island”
On the east side of Pine Island was a wooden walkway out to a leg of Broad Creek. At the edge of the creek was a dock, a ladder to a lower landing, and a diving board. The walkways and dock were built mostly from scrap lumber scavenged from the marsh. The camps also were built from mostly salvaged lumber.

Looking east & approaching Pine Island.

A wheelbarrow full of firewood is awaiting to be pushed over the catwalk.

Sunnyside camp.



Photo, compliments of the Bonney Family

As I remember the camps, looking west from the dock.

Painting by Ray.


Duck Hunters posing on the porch of the north camp.


Photo, compliments of the Bonney Family

This is the first camp on the front line facing east.

The lady on the right is fetching water from the pump.


Photo compliments of the Bonney Family.

At low tide, I would have mud fights with the kids staying on the island. The older kids would grind the mud into us!   Every inch was covered in black, slimy mud.  Sometimes we would wait until the tide came in enough to wash off. Other times we would lay near the water pump while another pumped. It took a lot of pumping to clean up, and the water became colder the longer it was pumped. The pumped water on the island was salty and discolored, used only for washing.

This was the catwalk to Broad Creek  At mid-to-high tide, we would dive or jump from the board or off the railing. Full high tide would cover the dock and walkway.   It was a challenge to ride my bike out to the dock, and a bigger challenge to ride back through the water.

My original pencil sketch of Pine Island.

A dory was tied on the south side of the dock. The two men and two older boys would row out through Broad Creek to the clam flats at low tide, dig clams, then go fishing in the river.  Going with the currents ,they would return as the tide came in. There were plenty of flounder, mackerel, cod and haddock in the mouth of the North and South Rivers.

The men would clean the fish on the dock. when I was invited  for a cookout,It  would be a fish fry. I would help with the cooking fire located in a stone circle. Plenty of kindling could be found above the high tide line and firewood was delivered  to the campers, by wheelbarrow!

”Mom” on the right was Mrs. Wm Bonney [ Agnes].  Julia was a camp owner.


Photo, compliments of the Bonney Family.

There was a steel cook plate across half of the firepit. The men filleted the flounder; the women rolled them in cornmeal, and three of us kids kept the fire going. On went the flounder, mackerel and hot dogs. Mmmm, was that flounder good! I would have no part of mackerel! The haddock and cod were saved for fish chowder.

Showing off a nice flounder.

Photo, Compliments of the Bonney Family.


This is the north camp. after dark we would retreat from the mosquitoes. We would play checkers & sometimes Monopoly.


Photo, compliments of the Bonney Family.


Pine Island after people.


             Photo, compliments of  Tony Lambert.


Many thanks to Lawrence “Larry” Bonney & family, formerly of Seaview.



“There’s no place like camp.
I wish I could stay forever!”
– Unknown

W. Ray Freden, Matshfield/Seaview, 70 years.

3 Replies to “Pine Island update”

  1. Oh my gosh!!!!! This is fantastic!!!! Julia smith is mrs weshrob of seaview I would imagine!!
    We played out there all the time and what was left was abandoned then…I remember the walkway…but no must have been fabulous in its day!

  2. I grew up on Bayberry Point now Cedar Acres Rd and my house was next to the marsh and very near Pine Island, in the ‘60s. I would walk out in the marsh and to Pine Island all the time~ loved that marsh and island~~ the marsh especially was my home and family~~ there was just one small cottage as I remember them and no one ever seemed to be there… very fascinating what you have written about a sacred place to me and my childhood~~

    1. Hi Melissa, Your Bayberry Point and the Historical, official Bayberry Point are 2 different places, Yours is the residences reference to the shore area of Cedar Acres Rd. I think it was originally called Bayberry Point by the developer but had to change it because of the established Bayberry Shores/Point and Bayberry Rd. off Ferry St, to the Julian St. Bridge including Ridge Rd.

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